The moment I left home this morning…
I got a shock
So cold
Seems like it's snowing in Tokyo
That's what I thought, still half asleep
I got into the car
Today's clothes

2 pairs of pyjamas [laugh]
It was just turning warm recently
This intense cold troubles me
It's easy to catch a cold in this kind of weather
Are you ok?
Are you coming down with a cold?
This morning I was on Ousama no Brunch
Quite nerve-wrecking
After that recording for another programme
YanMega will air
in a week
The first episode will be completed soon too
I joke around when I'm nervous [laugh]
It'll be great if it turns out to be an interesting drama
Recently I've been using twitter as well so be a follower, yoroshiku
Once in a while
Well then

This has been Shinagawa Daichi.